Radish can be eaten raw or cooked . The most common use of radishes is garnishing or it is used as an ingredient in green salads. Radishes are root vegetables that resemble beets or turnips in appearance and texture, but have a distinct flavor. It is the root of a plant classified in the mustard family.
The flavor of radish varies from mild to peppery and pungent, depending on the variety.  Radishes are available all year long, and are at their peak from June through September. There are five main varieties of radishes Red Glode, daikons, Black, white Icicles, California Mammoth White. 
Radishes and their greens provide an excellent source of vitamin C and a powerful antioxidant. It has anti-inflammatory properties too.  Radish leaves are a good source of calcium.  Radishes contain cancer-protective properties.  The sulphur based chemicals present in radish increase the flow of bile.  This improves the health of gall bladder.  Radish can protect as against ailments like  Jaundice, piles, urinary disorders, weightloss  cancer Leucoderma, skin disorders, kidney disorders and insect bites. 
Radishes are usually eaten raw or in salads.  They are primarily used in Japanese and Indian cooking. To retain the freshness and crunchiness it is advised to soak Radish in cold water. Radishes come in a number of varieties of shapes, sizes and colours.


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