Of all the news coming from the beauty community, the loudest buzz may be about the power of vitamins.

Skin boosters
Vitamins offer various benefits to the skin as suppression of pigmentation and bruising, stimulation of collagen synthesis, refinement of the skin surface, and antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects.

 Food is not enough

Even if you eat a diet rich in vitamins and pop multivitamin pills, it may not necessarily translate into great skin and hair. About 80 per cent of the multivitamins in pills get lodged in the intestine. Vitamin-rich food first goes through the process of digestion carried through the blood to vital organ, the vitamins often don't even reach the skin and hair. "That's why these creams, gels and serums are useful", says homeopath and cosmetologist Dr Jhoomer Kulshrestha.

A to F of Vitamins
Vitamin A: Anti-ageing, skin regenerating, protection and moisturising.

Vitamin C: Lightens dark spots, protects cells from free radical damage.

Vitamin E: Antioxidant, anti-ageing and cell protection.

Vitamin F : Moisturising, anti-ageing and elasticity.


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